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Call of duty care package box

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Some players have used the glitching to their own advantage, but most are finding the glitches more fatal than advantageous. Players on Reddit have reported issues with glitching under the map and continuously falling to their own demise.

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This clip is only one of many glitches players are discovering all throughout Warzone. Another user commented, 'The box desired a sacrifice,' only adding to the hilarity of the moment. Reddit users had a hey-day with the footage and some joked, 'everybody gangsta till the loadout drop start walking'. The curious player tried to get an up-close look at the phenomenon only to be crushed and killed by the Loadout Drop. Suddenly the Loadout Drop had nowhere to go and started to climb blockade. The animated Loadout Drop was hilarious enough, but it wasn't until it reached a cement blockade that things got crazy. Tried to combine a Munitions Box and a Loadout Drop for Full Loadout from